『世界』2月号が発行されました。「ネグロスからの手紙 第3回」は、政治犯になったクラリンの宗教上の娘カリーナの話です。香港で民主派53人が逮捕されたことが話題になっています。フィリピンでも同様のことが起き続けています。ぜひ、読んでください! English version is under Japanese.
カリーナは、2019年10月31日に、西ネグロス州バコロド市で、農民組織や労働組合メンバー55人が不当に逮捕された時、一緒に連行された。当時まだ19歳。私が拘置所を訪ねた時、弁護士になり苦しむ農民たちの力になりたい、誰もが大切にされる社会を作りたいと、目を輝かせ話していた。 連行された55人のうち11人に武器不法所持の罪が着せられ起訴された。4人は保釈、カリーナを含む7人は保釈不可能で、今も勾留されている。
The February issue of “Sekai” has been published. In “Letter from Negros #3,” Clarin talks about Karina, her religious daughter who became a political prisoner. There has been a lot of talk about the arrest of 53 democrats in Hong Kong. The same thing continues to happen in the Philippines. Please read on!
Kalina was taken along with 55 members of peasant organizations and labor unions when they were unjustly arrested in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental on October 31, 2019. She was only 19 years old at the time. When I visited her at the detention center, her eyes were shining as she told me that she wanted to become a lawyer and help the suffering farmers, and that she wanted to create a society where everyone is respected.
Of the fifty-five people taken away, eleven were charged with illegal possession of weapons, four were released on bail, and seven, including Kalina, are still in detention because they cannot be released on bail.