Marcos spotted in Laoag amid talk of travel to Japan despite Paeng rampage,
(台風パエンの猛威にもかかわらず日本訪問を噂されるマルコスがラオアグで目撃される), ABS-CBN, October 30, 2022.
Marcos tax case can’t be reopened: solon,
(マルコスの相続税訴訟再開は不可能:国会議員), ABS-CBN, October 28, 2022.
Student reporters receive threats, harassment in PH,
(フィリピンでは学生レポーターが脅迫や嫌がらせを受ける), ABS-CBN, October 27, 2022.
Two soldiers preparing for Abra quake response killed by suspected NPA: military,
(アブラの地震対応に備える兵士2名がNPAと疑われる者に殺害される:軍部), ABS-CBN, October 27, 2022.
Magnitude-6.4 earthquake strikes Abra,
(アブラでマグニチュード6.4の地震), ABS-CBN, October 25, 2022.
Citizens criticize Marcos Jr.’s absence in hardest hit areas, low budget for disaster response,
(マルコス大統領の被災地への不在、災害対策の低予算を市民が批判), Bulatlat, October 31, 2022.
Pinoy horror as social commentary,
(社会評論としてのフィリピンホラー), Bulatlat, October 30, 2022.
Tropical storm Paeng leaves 48 dead, thousands flooded,
(台風パエン、死者48人、洪水被災者数千人に), Bulatlat, October 30, 2022.
Rights group calls on UN expert to look into disinformation, red-tagging,
(人権擁護団体、国連専門家に偽情報と赤タグ付けの調査を要請), Bulatlat, October 28, 2022.
Trade union organizer out on bail, asserts not receiving complaint prior his arrest,
(保釈された労組役員、逮捕前に訴状を受け取っていないことを主張), Bulatlat, October 28, 2022.
Bulatlat receives ‘Award of Distinction’ for championing voices of the marginalized,
(社会から疎外された人たちの声を代弁していることに対して、ブラトラットが「優秀賞」を受賞), October 27, 2022.
State of national calamity not needed – Marcos,
(国家的災害宣言は必要なし – マルコス), Inquirer, November 1, 2022.
Agricultural damage due to Paeng now P435.4 million —NDRRMC
(台風パエンによる農業被害は4億3540万ペソに – 国家災害リスク軽減管理評議会), Inquirer, October 31, 2021.
Paeng deaths rise to 101; over 2 million persons affected,
(台風パエンによる死者が101人に達する;被害者は2百万人以上), Inquirer, October 31, 2021.
Keep China out of WPS, Hontiveros tells Bongbong Marcos,
(中国を西フィリピン海から排除せよ、ホンティべロスがボンボン・マルコスに告げる), Inquirer, October 29, 2022.
Maintain state of calamity, WHO chief asks Marcos,
(災害宣言の維持を、WHO事務局長がマルコス大統領に要請), Inquirer, October 29, 2022.
Bongbong Marcos to ‘insurgency-free’ Davao Region: ‘Take optimistic, cautious steps’,
(ボンボン・マルコス、「反乱のない」ダバオ地方へ:「楽観的かつ慎重な段階を踏もう」), Inquirer, October 27, 2022.
Lagman: Reopening Marcos family’s estate tax case violates principle of final verdict,
(ラグマン:マルコス一家の相続税裁判の再開は確定判決の原則に反する), October 27, 2022.
Three options for President Marcos Jr. to free De Lima,
(マルコス大統領がデ・リマを釈放するための3つの選択肢), Inquirer, October 26, 2022.
Karapatan condemns arrest of trade union activist in Quezon City,
(カラパタン、ケソン市での労組活動家逮捕を非難)、Karapatan, October 27, 2022.
Rights group calls on UN expert to look into disinformation, red-tagging vs journos, activists,
(人権擁護団体、国連専門家に偽情報、ジャーナリスト・活動家に対する赤タグ付けに関する調査を要請), Karapatan, October 26, 2022.
‘Middleman’ in Lapid slay died from suffocation by plastic bag, second autopsy reveals,
(ラピド殺害の「仲介者」、ビニール袋による窒息死と2度目の検死で明らかに), philstar, October 29, 2022.
Ragos says he was forced to testify vs De Lima,
(ラゴス、デ・リマに対する証言を強要されたと述べた), philstar, October 29, 2022.
Philippines rule of law weak, but index ranking improves,
(フィリピンの法治は脆弱だが、指数ランキングは改善), philstar, October 27, 2022.
Groups: Charge vs trade unionist another trumped-up case,
(労働団体・人権団体:労組活動家の告訴もまたでっち上げ容疑), philstar, October 27, 2022.
Cordillera activists expect more attacks following dismissal of writ of amparo petition,
(コルディリエラの活動家らは、アンパロ<人身保護>請願書の棄却を受け、さらなる攻撃を予期), Rappler, October 30, 2022.
Fighting irrelevance: Journalists hold the line against press freedom threats,
(無関心との闘い:ジャーナリストは報道の自由を脅かすものと一線を画す), Rappler, October 29, 2022.
Advocates urge organized fight vs disinformation, historical distortion,
(情報や歴史の擁護者らは偽情報や歴史の歪曲に対して組織的に闘うことを強く求めている), Rappler, October 28, 2022.
Philippines becomes global case study of media repression,
(フィリピンはメディア抑圧の世界的なケーススタディとなる), Rappler, October 28, 2022.
How politicians abuse government resources to win elections,
(政治家は選挙に勝つためにどのように政府の資源を乱用するか), Rappler, October 26, 2022.
Philippine Coast Guard trains with U.S., Japan as Marcos vows to modernize,
(マルコスが近代化を言明しているので、フィリピン沿岸警備隊が日米と訓練), Nikkei Asia, October 30, 2022.
Analysts Fear Philippines May Be Drawn Into Taiwan-China Conflict,
(アナリストたちは、フィリピンが台湾-中国間の紛争に引き込まれることを危惧), VOA, October 28, 2022.
Philippines’ share of banana exports in Asia falls to 60%,
(フィリピンのアジアにおけるバナナ輸出シェアが60%に低下), Fresh Plaza, October 28, 2022.
Is Percy Lapid’s murder a bellwether for the Philippines?,
(パーシー・ラピド殺害はフィリピンの趨勢か?), Aljazeera, October 26, 2022.